
Our concept and treatment approach

Unlike many other osteopathic practices in Düsseldorf, our osteopathic treatment approach consists of a multi-modal approach that includes the application of osteopathy and targeted patient-specific rehabilitation.

In our combined more than 30 years of osteopathic experience, we have consistently found that long-term and sustainable treatment success for chronic mechanical pain conditions is most effective when osteopathy is combined with current sports science rehabilitation approaches.  

The founder of osteopathy, Andrew Still, coined the phrase: “Find it, fix it and leave it alone.”  We also apply this osteopathic approach. As osteopaths, we consider it as our responsibility to offer long-term solutions for our patients’ symptoms without encouraging treatment dependency. For this reason, not only the treatment stands at the forefront of our approach, but also the aftercare.

During this treatment phase, we do not limit ourselves to osteopathy alone. Scientific knowledge repeatedly supports the fact that rapid and long-term success in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain is most often achieved through a multi-modal approach and not just through the application of manual therapy such as osteopathy alone.  Once the symptoms have improved, our therapy focuses primarily on the application of rehabilitation measures in the form of patient-specific exercises that aim to minimize and prevent the mechanical cause of the original symptoms.  For these purposes, we work closely with our partners from Pilates am Zoo, whose Reformer Pilates services are integrated into our practice for osteopathy in Düsseldorf. So that we can offer the best possible solutions for our patients, we also regularly work together on an interdisciplinary basis with physicians and other therapists such as dentists, physiotherapists, midwives, orthopedic physicians, alternative practitioners and pediatricians in Düsseldorf. 

Costs and billing

Osteopathy services are billed as Heilpraktiker services and are charged according to the fee schedule for Heilpraktiker (GebüH). Additionally, osteopathy services are subsidized by some state and many private health insurances. If you have any questions regarding the subsidization of osteopathic services, please contact your respective health insurer.

As a practice for osteopathy we are forbidden to charge a set rate for our services. Our treatment costs depend on the individual treatment. The cost of our osteopathic treatments is approximately 115-125€ per treatment for adults with a duration of 45 to 55 minutes. The costs for our osteopathic treatments for children are approximately 85-105€ per treatment with a duration of 30 to 55 minutes. Payment by EC card or cash is to be made directly after the completion of each treatment.

State health insurance

A current list of all state health insurances that subsidize osteopathic treatments can be found here:

If your health insurer subsidizes osteopathic treatment, in most cases you will require a private prescription for osteopathy from your treating physician. This can be issued by doctors of various specialties (e.g. dentist, pediatrician, family doctor, gynecologist etc.). A private prescription is independent from your doctor’s referral quota.

Private health insurance

Since our osteopathic services are billed according to the fee schedule for Heilpraktiker (GebüH), a large part of the treatment costs will generally be subsidized by private health insurances and Beihilfe, provided that Heilpraktiker services are included on your insurance policy.

Cancellation fees

We ask all patients to inform us as soon as possible if they need to reschedule or cancel an appointment. Appointments can be cancelled free of charge up to 24 hours before the scheduled appointment. We recommend doing this by email or telephone. For appointments not punctually cancelled or missed, we regret that we will have to fully charge for the missed appointment to the amount of the treatment cost as a private invoice for a late cancellation.

We attempt to fill all gaps in our calendar resulting from untimely cancellations so that we can avoid passing on the cancellation costs to you. However if such gaps resulting from late cancellations are not filled, we are not obliged to prove this to you.

To avoid inconvenience, we offer a free SMS reminder service to all patients. The SMS reminder will be sent 48 hours before the scheduled appointment.