Basic information on temporomandibular joint dysfunction for patients in our osteopathic practice
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction describes a restricted and painful jaw condition affecting either one of both of the jaw joints.
TMJ dysfunction can cause a number of different symptoms. Most commonly, it is associated with pain during jaw movement and jaw cracking. The pain can develop in the jaw muscles or in the TMJ itself. TMJ noises are either crackling due to incongruent and worn TMJ surfaces or cracking due to uncoordinated TMJ movement between the joint surface and the TMJ disc. Other symptoms include restrictions on mouth opening, headaches, toothaches, tinnitus or neck symptoms.
The pathogenesis is usually a combination of several factors, e.g. predisposition, jaw injuries, bruxism (grinding) or excessive clenching that can gradually cause the TMJ disc to wear and excessive tightening of the neck muscles.
TMJ dysfunction can occur at all ages, although older patients usually have more symptoms. In the adolescent and adult group, girls and women are more affected.
This information has been provided to you as a general source of background information only, as in accordance with german law as Heilpraktikers, we are forbidden to list conditions or diseases we potentially treat, as this is considered a promise of cure. If you would like to know whether osteopathy is an option for TMJ pain, please feel free to call us.